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Jump Into Story-Listening

Gain the practical knowledge and tools to deliver a Story-Listening experience.

What you'll learn:

Class 1: Preparation (10 min)

  1. Choosing the story
  2. Mental Cinema
  3. Making the Prompter (Optimal Input application - How can we help input become optimal input?)
  4. Rehearsing: How I prepare for an SL lesson

Class 2: Delivery (45 min)

  1. Gathering attention
  2. Keep their attention to the end
  3. How to open up the beginning
  4. How to end the story
  5. What I draw and when I draw
  6. What I do with each word on the Prompter
  7. What can we do after telling a story

 Class 3: Assessment (38 min)

  1. How do I know that the students understood the story
  2. What is the purpose of summary writing?
  3. Formative evaluation
  4. Summative evaluation
  5. Quantitative evaluation
  6. Questionnaires and individual interviews

 Class 4: Further Understanding (62 min)

  1. About drawing
  2. When SL fails

 Class 5: Aiming for Optimal Input (15 min)

  1. Optimal Input
  2. Background information
  3. Story within a story
  4. Optimal unpredictability
  5. Quantity