
How to Find a Good Story

folktales story-listening
  1. The Essence of Compelling Input: Compelling input in Story-Listening (SL) emerges from captivating themes and character dilemmas, keeping students eagerly anticipating the next story. This emotional connection to the narrative in a foreign language enhances their learning experience.

  2. Engaging Themes: Effective stories in SL contain universally appealing themes such as friendship, courage, and love, evident in tales like “The Old Sultan” and “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.” These themes resonate deeply with learners.

  3. Suspenseful and Relatable Plots: A good SL story includes relatable conflicts and problems that keep learners engaged. Short stories with a single problem are ideal for beginners, while complex plots with intricate character relationships suit advanced learners.

  4. Folktales over Current Events: Timeless phrases like “Once upon a time” transport students from reality into the enchanting world of folktales, making these stories preferable over contemporary events.

  5. Predictable Story Sequencing: Stories with clear, chronological events, such as those by the Grimm Brothers, aid comprehension and predictability, essential for understanding and engagement.

  6. Intriguing Beginnings: Starting with an unexpected problem, like a peculiar twist in the tale, instantly grabs the listener’s attention and encourages them to seek resolution.

  7. Relatable Yet Surprising Elements: Familiar yet unexpected story elements are key to drawing students in. Fairy tales often feature relatable scenarios that resonate with listeners, enhancing comprehension.

  8. Safe and Detached Narratives: Fairy tales and folk tales are generally safe choices for SL, avoiding discomfort or anxiety among students. The aim is to create a relaxed and enjoyable listening environment, akin to watching a movie.

  9. Simplicity and Memorability: Successful SL involves easy, simple stories, particularly for beginners, fostering a sense of achievement and enjoyment in understanding a new language.

  10. Approach to Horror Stories: While horror folk tales like “The Ogress at Adachigahara” might intrigue adults, caution is advised when selecting such stories for younger audiences due to the emotional impact of SL.

Whenever you're ready,Ā here are the waysĀ we can help you:

  1. Jump Into Story-Listening: A course to gain the practical knowledge and tools to deliver a Story-Listening experience.

  2. Story-Listening Kits: Ready-to-use package including the video, story, Prompter, and additional materials

  3. Theoretical Foundations and Supporting Evidence:Ā Gain insights directly from Dr. Stephen Krashen, the renowned creator of the Theory of Second Language Acquisition, whose influential hypotheses are revered among linguists and language educators worldwide.

  4. Free Minicourse: Gain an overview of Story-Listening from its creator and co-developer, Professor Beniko Mason.

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