
Story-Listening & GSSRĀ Articles

Seven Deadly Sins in Traditional Language Teaching


Traditional teaching methods often fail to achieve language proficiency, hindering...

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Revolutionizing EFL Education with PURE Optimal Unified Input: Inspiring Success Stories

Today, we share two remarkable success stories demonstrating the power of listening and reading...

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Comparing Vocabulary Gains: The Impact of Story-Listening on Junior High Learners

Welcome to an in-depth look at the collaborative research conducted by Dr. Beniko...

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70 vs. 286 Hours: Unveiling the Efficiency of Comprehensible Input in Language Acquisition

As educators and learners grapple with the most effective methods to acquire language...

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Enhancing Vocabulary Learning in Junior High: Insights from Japan

This preliminary study (not yet published) contrasts the effectiveness of traditional...

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Why AI Cannot Replace Human Teachers in Story-Listening

By Dr. Beniko Mason

As the creator of the Story-Listening (SL) method in language acquisition, I...

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Story-Listening: Do You Want to Understand the Core Principles?

Over the past 45 years, understanding of second language acquisition has evolved around two key...

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Beyond Immersion: Rethinking Language Learning Strategies
  • Study challenges the common belief in language immersion as the superior method for language...
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The Power of Story-Listening and Guided Self-Selected Reading

Story-Listening and Guided Self-Selected Reading offers a transformative approach to acquiring...

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How to Find a Good Story
  1. The Essence of Compelling Input: Compelling input in Story-Listening (SL) emerges from...

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Presentation Slides: Optimizing Teaching and Language Acquisition

We are pleased to provide the presentation slides from the virtual presentation,...

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What is the difference between Story-Listening and Story reading?

Story-Listening (SL) teachers speak at a slower rate for the beginning level students, providing...

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