Stories First Readers
Readers for language learners
Book Binding Tutorial
Begin by printing the cover and the Printer Spread separately. Be sure to set the printer to “double-sided” and to “flip on the short-edge.” You can also print odd pages, flip manually and print even pages. Then, align the cover and inside pages, clip in place, and staple to make a 5.5 x 8.5 booklet.

Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten, a traditional story
Animals are abandoned, so they go out on the road looking to become musicians in the big city, Bremen.
LENGTH: 881 words, 21 pages
ILLUSTRATIONS: heavily illustrated

Rotkäppchen, a traditional story
A girl meets a wolf on the way to Grandmother’s house.
LENGTH: 581 words, 10 pages
ILLUSTRATIONS: heavily illustrated

Rotkäppchen, a traditional story
A girl meets a wolf on the way to Grandmother’s house.
LENGTH: 581 words, 10 pages
ILLUSTRATIONS: heavily illustrated
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